To Tempt a Viking...

To Tempt a Viking - Michelle Willingham

This is going to be short... It's new years eve and i've already tapped into the bubbly, just keep that in mind. ha!

To Tempt a Viking is the second book in the Forbidden Viking series by Michelle Willingham. I'll admit that having loved the Vikings Series on TV has spurred me to want to read more about this time period and so far this series has been great (don't let the covers fool you). The writing is deep and layered. The characters are interwoven in a way that you want to know more about then but you don't feel pushed in that direction. 

What I loved about this book was how Miss Willingham was able to make me fall for Elena when in the first book, To Sin with a Viking she made me despise her. Now for me that's just good storytelling. I loved Ragnar from the first book but I enjoyed being inside his head, feeling the lust and long he felt for Elena for years. Since he was a boy and never acting on it was almost painful to read. I was beyond trilled with how Miss Willingham wrote Elena's inability to become pregnant into something positive and not a simple solution. It really filled out the story for me.

So why 3 stars... Well first off for me a 3 star book is a solid book. That's what To Tempt a Viking was for me, a good book. But I wasn't wowed by it in any way. Personally I liked the first book better but that doesn't make me not want to read the next book in this series. I have a small hope that it's Brennon's because i'm still wondering what happened to him.

ARC courtesy of Harlequin via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.